Jun 26, 2006 21:00
Well we finished our exams...I didn't do so good :( The grade boundaries here are so low...you only need about 42% for a B...I still don't seem to do very well though
Good thing, we finished our french gcse, which is a relief, I'm not hoping for much, I'll probably have to retake it next year.
And our RE gcse which was a joke.
Aowww, I hate seeing my friends screwed around, everything is going upside down, here and back home and everywhere...I don't really know what to do, anything I do or say seems to be ignored or make it worse :( I don't know where to belong because everyone is turning on each other...and some of my friends are too far away to comfort, I can't be there for them.
We have a new digital camera though, mainly for my art, so I can take pics and post them on myspace etc XDXD I found an amazing artist on deviantart, she does photographic portraits of people but with amazing make-up and hair ~ really beautiful...but my art teacher is being annoying,she keeps giving us stupid projects to do that waste our time and mean that we have to do our final piece in our own time *angry*
I don't know what I'm doing with my life...it keeps getting harder to see what's happening to me...I keep messing things up and I don't realise what I've done until the damage is irrepairable...It's making me slightly depressed.
I'm sorry about this entry...it's more of a rant for me, I'm in a complaining mood