[OOC] Stats/Permissions

Jul 10, 2011 01:16

Name: 009 [Joe Shimamura]
Age: 18
Blood type: N/A
Height: Shorter than 002
Weight: Thin!
Medical Info: Cyborg
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Physical traits: He tends to always wear his uniform, unless he's using regular clothes.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Everything should be fine. INJUSTICE WILL MAKE HIM DO FIGHTING-FOR-JUSTICE THINGS, keep that in mind. He's very, very stubborn.

Abilities: He has super-human strength, he is resistant to damage, can leap large distances, and can breathe underwater. His most prominent ability is the power to move at a speed so fast that everything else looks like a statue to him, which is triggered by a switch embedded in his teeth. However, he cannot touch any normal creatures such as humans in this state; the high speeds would kill or otherwise cause serious injury to the creature through air friction.

Notes for the Psychics: JUSTICE!!!!1 His thoughts revolve around whatever is bothering him at the time, Francoise, Jet, 004 and the rest of the cyborgs. AND MORE JUSTICE. Justice is important. Faith in humanity and in himself is also very, very important.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask, probably yes.

Maim/Murder/Death: . . . ASK?!

Kissing/Hugging: GO AHEAD. He'll be confused.

Cooking: MAYBE?


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