Character name: Bart Allen // Impulse
Fandom: DC Comics
Timeline: Post Young Justice pre Graduation Day
Age: 15...ish there's time travel and hyperaging it's complicated 8(
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:
Bart is speedster! Which for most speedsters in DC comicstime means that he has a connection to the Speed Force, an "extra-dimensional energy force" that gives him his powers.
Bart, who has been connected to the Speed Force since birth, has the ability to move incredibly fast, whether it's fighting crime or doing his chores. He's able to move so quickly that it sometimes doesn't look like he has moved at all to normal people. He is able to break the sound barrier, run at Mach 10, and go faster than the speed of light if he pushes himself even more.
He normally runs at subsonic speeds, which allows him to get around without going disturbing the scenery and people around, and he can move fast enough to run over water. Being able to move so fast also means that he can run up the sides of buildings.
Innnn addition, Bart is able to vibrate his molecules so fast that his whole body, or just parts, can phase right through solid objects. He is able to extend this ability to others as long as he is touching them, but trying to do it with too many people runs the risk of him being stuck mid-phase unless he can be shocked back to normal. There's also a photographic memory going for him, but Bart has a tendency to space out when something bores him, so it's not always put to use.
God this is already tl;dr sorry Bart cannn also create wind vortexes by running or spinning his arms quickly, metabolize poisons (and even tattoo ink) or tranquilizers within a few seconds or less than a minute. This goes for wounds received too, though they heal quickly, not always correctly. Getting knocked out or concussed can definitely happen, though. He is also always surrounded by an invisible aura that protects him from the friction that comes from moving at superspeed, yay.
How would they use their abilities?: TO FIGHT CRIME no uh, Bart is a superhero, but he's also young and stupid. He uses his powers for mundane things like chores and homework and eating and playing video games whenever he can. He has a hard time keeping his secret identity a secret, so he often ends up doing something at superspeed around other people, though they just chalk it up to seeing things or coincidence.
If he needs to fight, Bart of course uses his speed to his advantage, though he can be hit or stopped if someone does get him, but he generally gets along with everyone so I don't know how often that would come up here! Aside from his super speed, he's got the normal strengths and abilities of a normal, active teenage boy.
Mostly Bart uses his powers without thinking about it, such as when he does chores, but he is also constantly moving around, making idle motions and bobbing around someone as he talks to them, that sort of thing. He isn't trying to show off his speed, but he is also unable to not exhibit traits of being a speedster, either.
Appearance: Bart is a shorty at only 5'2, with an athletic body and a lot of hair. His hair grows like a jungle, so it's thick and mostly untamable and it's thick enough that someone with the strength can pick him up by it. He usually has a smile on his face, except when he's confused or angry, and gold eyes. Bart always wears a Flash ring on his finger which contains his costume, and dresses like a normal, casual teenager. He's also got noticeably big feet 8(
Personality: Bart is called Impulse for a reason. The 'single-synapse theory', which was coined for him, states that there is no pause between thought and action for him. As soon as he thinks he should be doing something, he's doing it, basically. If someone tells him to scout somewhere, he'll just run off and do it, if he's looking for something, it's faster to just look in every single house in town. This gets him into trouble sometimes because he messes up plans by jumping the gun, says something he shouldn't have, or just plain does something wrong. He can act rather immaturely in situations, and end up complaining or spacing out if something isn't exactly as interesting as he would like, but he does try his best when his teammates and friends are counting on him.
Tooo that end, Bart is also extremely loyal and becomes deeply attached to the people he cares about. He may balk or whine when he is scolded, but he either gets over it quickly or just brushes it off right away.
With his friends, Bart is usually regarded as impatient and immature and a bit annoying, but they do still like him! He's rather genuine with his feelings, wearing his heart on his sleeve. He likes most of the people he meets, even if he can't relate to them very well, and really wants to help out with things when he can.
Being loyal and wanting to help don't equal being smart, however. Due to growing up in a virtual reality environment where he never actually encountered any real danger, Bart has a seriously lapsed sense of self-preservation. He understands that things can be dangerous and he could get hurt, but the reality of that happening is something he can't quite comprehend. He does get better with the idea that when shit gets real, it can hurt after he feels the death of one of his scouts, but he still acts quite impulsively once he recovers from the shock of that.
Despite mostly being a derp, Bart can serious the fuck up when the occasion calls for it. At one points he comments that although he is afraid for those he cares about getting hurt, he doesn't think he actually cares about getting hurt or killed himself, and that that scares him. He also is prepared to never give up and stop fighting for his friends and family, even if the risks are quite great.
There are very few times when Bart shows anger at all, and only when something is seriously threatening. He threatens to actually destroy someone for hurting Max, and occasionally shows a bit of being mad when he thinks someone is belittling him, but that kind of no u'ing is mostly reserved for his cousin Wally.
Overall, Bart is a friendly, hyperactive with a good heart and not always so good execution of plans and activities.