Patti/Mahagonny Podcast!!!"Oh my God! I'm just a little more legitimate now! I'm an opera singer. Hahahaha!"
"'What should be expect to see?' - 'A lot of leg! Ha!'"
Oh, Patti...I cannot wait for this...AHHH!!!!
Good news from my singing lesson. My teacher said we were going to sing three songs: An Italian song, a classic English song, and the third of my choice. So I was searching for musical theatre songs - my list was HUGE! So I picked three that I adore and brought it in to him to choose. Guess what he said!?!?!? "Why don't we sing all three?" So I get to sing all three songs: "Someone to Watch Over Me", "Not A Day Goes By", and "Meadowlark"! YAY!!!
I should be doing Italian homework right now. So I can work on my Pats drawing is looking much better. I think I am gonna do her eye today...I will post my final when I finish it if you dolls would like to see it.
Love to my twin. Today is a big day.
Grey's later.
Sunday in the Park with George TOMORROW!!!!!