I woke up this morning with a bad, BAD headache. I could barely sit up, so from my bed I took 3 advil and drank some water. I stayed up too late last night, I think that's what caused the headache.
So I go on Tumblr, and as I was backtracking, about 40% of my dash was people talking about how someone called Ruki fat. This person said this, this person said that, blah blah blah, it was driving me crazy. And then on top of that, when I was done backtracking, there was a 100something note post about how the GazettE, Alice Nine, and Dir en grey deserve all the attention they get because they work hard. So of course, that blew up into a huge argument about how Alice Nine and Gaze and Diru are too famous, how psycho their fandoms are, how obnoxious they are, and it was a huge clusterfuck and EVERYONE was just arguing. One person said "These fans don't treat their bands like bands, they treat them like gods."
That angered me deeply because 1. they did not say "most fans" they said "fans" leading me to believe that they thought ALL Arisu/Diru/Gazefans look upon those bands as gods. 2. They were completely ignoring the fact that these three bands have actually saved people's lives. I have spoken to many Arisu/Diru/Gaze fans who have mentioned that they have been close to suicide when one of these band's music and personalities pulled them back up from the depths.
These bands are NOT just bands. They are important. They really are. They save lives.
I've never been suicidal, but I have been through long periods where I was not myself, where I was suffering from crippling anxiety and depression. Days and days went by when I wanted to curl up into a ball and sleep. I couldn't socialize, I was losing my friends momentarily, and I could barely have a normal, pleasant conversation with my family.
Do you know the only thing that gave my heart any peace during that time? "昴" and "Waterfall" by Alice Nine. Those two songs calmed me, allowed me to breathe, even if it was just for the few minutes I was listening to them. Last time I watched Graced the Beautiful Day, I cried at the end when they played Waterfall, remembering how important that song was to me. I don't know for sure, but if I had not had that warmth and security, Shou's voice reaching out to me and warming my soul, things might have gotten a lot worse than they are.
So when I see someone ridiculing me and others for "looking at Alice Nine as gods rather than a band" I get extremely angry.
Alice Nine are not just a band.
They are five human beings who save people's lives, put a smile on mine and thousands of other people's faces daily. Their blog entries, music videos, twitters, pictures, and Nico Nico's bring me so much happiness that I did not fall back into that deep depression this winter.
Shou teaches us compassion, Hiroto caring for others, Tora to be strong when things get so bad we think we can't go on, Saga to look at things with a sense of humor, and Nao to show us that we must stay happy even when others are against us.
They are five people that create so much more than a band.
They've created a family.
I can't imagine living without them at this point, and as I write this, I'm trying not to cry.
I was going to go in a completely different direction with this post... but I'm glad I got to write this. I hope there are those of you who agree with me.
どもありがとう、alice nine.