(no subject)

May 25, 2006 20:02

I'll just start by saying I've been looking forward to this movie for a while now... I didn't have any specific expectations, as I'm not very familiar with the story line from the comics or anything. I thought the commercials made it look really cool, and didn't think there was much they could do to kill it. That being said... I WAS WRONG.

It stunk. SO bad, it makes me want to cry. It just didn't work for me, not as an adaptation of the comics, an end (or not?) to the trilogy, or just as a good piece of movie-making in general.

Why? Here are some reasons:
-Character portrayal for the most part was horrible. They brought in so many new mutants and barely developed any of them! Shadowcat was my favorite (from X-Men Evolutions, hehe), and I was quite disappointed in her complete lack of backstory, motive, and personality. Then they went and ruined old characters. Pr. X was a total arrogant asshole or something ("I don't need to explain my actions to anyone, least of all you"? What the fuck? When would the prof ever say ANYTHING like that???), and somehow Wolverine just wasn't that cool (how is that even possible?). Oh, and Rogue had a really bitty part, which was obnoxiously stupid, and Nightcrawler has completely disappeared without explanation.
-You CAN NOT kill off characters the way they did! Poor Cyclops, marginalized the first 2 movies IMHO, he dies about 10 minutes into this one. And they don't show it or anything, and when they said it I thought it was a bad joke. And then Pr. X is killed by Jean/Phoenix?? WTF? And talk about bad effects for that, all of Jean's victims just sort of turn into a bunch of particles and drift away. And then of course in the end Wolverine "kills" her to "save" her. Sad, sad, sad...
-Along the same lines as "you CAN NOT kill off characters," you CAN NOT turn Magneto or Mystique human (especially so early in the movie for Mystique... fuckers...) It's just wrong

Um, I really was gonna say more, but it's been a week since I started writing this and I don't remember now. I think I went in with too-high expectations, though I don't think I'll ever love this one the way I did the first 2. I'm gonna give it another go though, even if mostly to see the scene after the credits (which I didn't know about and left before, grrr).
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