Jul 20, 2013 21:20
Dear readers! Perhaps you have noticed my absence of late. I was adventuring, and now I have a great story for you!
I have clearly been left to starve to death. Not Mommy was likely stolen by aliens. I have been able to ward off the throes of death hunger by stealing crunchies from Awful Cat, but maybe it's best if I just eat some nip, and drift off to Valhalla, or wherever beautiful kitties such as myself go.
I thought Not Mommy was being mindful of how hard my life is, and had decided that I needed a mid-day meal as well as breakfast, and dinner, and snack, and night crunchies. Little did I know it was a trap. I missed meal after meal, for what seemed like weeks. Whenever I did my rounds, I would stop at my bowl, to see if I somehow just missed Not Mommy when she fed me.
The bowl stayed empty.
I tried some of the nip that Awful Cat has been suggesting, and the smell is a little funny, and that pillow isn’t very big or comfortable. I didn’t feel any better afterwards, mostly I just felt the overwhelming urge to explore, and make sure there were no secret passages where intruders could get in. It’s a good thing too... you’ll never believe what happened to me.
Wait. I hear Not Mommy. FOOOOOOD!!!!!!