College Etiquette!

Feb 02, 2014 22:32

In three categories: Classroom, Library, and General.

I don't care if you're Emily Post or the Queen of England ... read it.

In the Classroom:

- Show up on time.

- Absolutely no cell phones. Put it on silent. Don't text. Watching you play with your phone, or having to listen to it vibrate as someone calls you, is extremely distracting. If you are expecting an important phone call, please notify your professor beforehand. If you receive the call, step out of class quickly and quietly.

- No computer, unless the professor is okay with it and if you are only using it to take notes. Don't play games, chat with others online, or dick around on Facebook. This is extremely distracting for other students.

- If you do bring your phone or computer to class, and need to charge them, please make sure people won't trip over the cords.

- Don't cross-talk or whisper. This is disrespectful to the professor and distracting for other students.

- At least pretend to pay attention to what the professor is saying. It is acceptable to: take notes, doodle, write a fictional story or haiku, or write letters to your friends at other colleges. Don't (obviously) do homework for other classes. Do look up at the board and at your professor once in awhile.

- Stow jackets and bags appropriately, ie, not taking up needed chairs.

- Go to the bathroom before or after class. (You do not need to ask your professor for permission to go to the bathroom.) Professors especially dislike it when students go to the bathroom during exams.

- Snacks should be quiet, tidy, and not smelly. No crunchy foods, abstain from peanut butter as a courtesy, no crinkly wrappers, nothing that will leave crumbs galore. All drinks should have lids. Do not swirl the ice in your cup. Do not make slurping sounds. Chew with your mouth closed. Do not try to talk with your mouth full.

- Don't tap pens, your feet, or rock back and forth in your chair. If you are sick (coughing, blowing your nose every 3 minutes, hacking up phlegm, breathing loudly through your mouth because your sinuses are blocked) - take some damn medication or don't go to class. Do notify your professor before class (via email) that you will not be attending due to illness.

- Dress appropriately. No one wants to see your ass crack, crotch, hairy armpits, or camel toe. Bracelets that clack against each other can also be distracting to other students. If you have long, beautiful hair ... stop playing with it and shaking it out during class.

- Class discussions: be prepared to participate. At least skim the assigned reading and prepare one or two questions. Discussions are much better when people have prepared and are willing to speak.

- Engage in respectful discussion, don't make fun of other students or insult their intelligence. Raise your hand before speaking and stay on topic. Don't monopolize the conversation. Don't interrupt others when they are speaking. (If another student interrupts you, feel free to call them out on it. Nicely.) Use a respectful tone, and phrase questions/comments as neutrally as possible - don't verbally attack others. If someone challenges your opinion, listen and try to understand their viewpoint. You can reply with, "I see where you're coming from, but I still disagree." Discussions are about exposure to others' thoughts and experiences, not about total consensus or pressuring others to agree with you.

- Do not pack up your stuff early! If class ends at 10:30, you pack up at 10:30, not at 10:25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Packing up early is disrespectful to the professor, and yes, distracting for other students.

At the Library:

- The upper floors are quiet zones. This means absolutely no music, no phone, no chatting. Get a study room if you need to collaborate with others. If you do need to make noise, keep it to the first floor. Please be aware of other students and their need for quiet.

- If you take books off the shelves, leave them out on desks when you're done or put them back exactly where you found them. Either option is okay.

- If you choose to listen to music ... your headphones must contain the sound COMPLETELY.

In General:

- Walk quickly. If you need to pause, step out of the stream of traffic.

- On the stairs, stay to the right.

- Don't talk outside of classrooms when classes are going on.

- Watch your language and topics of conversation when you're in public. Needlessly swearing makes you look emotional and uneducated, not cool or badass. No one wants to hear too-personal conversations (except the NSA, lolololol). Your brother is a moron who has unprotected sex, knocked up some girl, and has a bad case of genital warts around his scrotum and anus that will need to be removed surgically? NO. JUST STOP. Your friends may be interested, but bystanders are not amused.

- Sorry, but the words "gay," "fag," and "retard" are no longer socially acceptable to use as insults. Racial slurs are also unacceptable. Expect backlash and for people to get offended if you do use these terms.

- Stay with your laundry. Or set timers or alarms on your phone so you can go switch it or retrieve it in a timely fashion. Other people don't care about your laundry, and will not throw it in the dryer for you. Or fold it.

- Please, thank you, excuse me. Do make eye contact, smile, and say hello, even if you are painfully shy. Even if you genuinely cannot stand the people who live on your floor.

- Don't smoke inside. This includes marijuana and e-cigarettes. Smoke at least 20 feet away from building entrances.

- Bathe at least 3 times a week. Wear clean clothing and deodorant. Brush your teeth at least once a day (IN THE MORNING before interacting with other people).

- Sneeze into your elbow, not your hands.

- Don't participate in malicious gossip, and don't start drama. If you absolutely hate someone, avoid them and make new friends. This can be a daunting task but it is possible. And it's much classier than engaging with them or complaining about them.
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