May 21, 2009 11:48
Hey, everyone! Just a quick note, not quite big enough for CFO. There are a few things I need to get done before I go on my trip, and I've been procrastinating on it due to new-character glee. So in the interest of actually getting those things accomplished, I'm calling hiatus a couple days early! I might be around Friday night if I've gotten everything finished, but don't count on it. (I also may be around a tiny bit Saturday, depending on wireless access during my trip.)
As a reminder, I'm going to be gone from May 21 to May 31! I'll be around and threading again either the 31st or June 1st. And when I get back, I'll happily pick up WALL-E's intropost threads for anyone who's still interested in them. (Especially those threads that I've been really slow on -- sorry about that!) ♥
Until I get back, most of my characters are transformed. Kyou is a plush cat; Setsuna is a plush white crow; Fuyuki is an Easter Island statue with an ahoge; Zelgadis is a pet rock with hair; and Miyako is one of those dancing flower animatronic toys. WALL-E has found the aforementioned items and is keeping them safe in his cooler. Death, as always, is off doing his deathly things.