[OOC] Kyou's Roster as FF Characters

Dec 01, 2008 17:51

Alright, I was going to going to do some epic playercest before I dehiatused, showing how my characters were lost together in a secret 100-floor bonus dungeon, but it's been days since I started it and I'm sick of it and I just want to start playing with other people again. So the bonus dungeon playercest is now dead.

But for your amusement, here are the job classes and special abilities I decided on for my characters:

Lv20 Black Belt
Party Leader!

Special Ability: Cat Lover
Cats just seem to flock to him! While Kyou is in your party, all Feline enemies will automatically gain the status effect "Charm". Also, Kyou gains double the attack bonus from claw weapons.

Lv10 Thief

Special Ability: Best Deals
Any otaku worth his salt knows where to find the rarest merchandise! While Sasahara is in your party, you have a higher chance of finding rare drops and unique items.

Lv26 Knight

Special Ability: Avenging Angel
It's time to take flight! Setsuna can release her wings at any time during battle. While they are out, her Evade triples and she automatically gains the status effect "Float", but attacks have a chance of injuring her wings and temporarily grounding her.

Lv99 Summon Creature

Summon Ability: Collection
Your time has come... Death rides through and takes aim at the entire group of enemies, with a chance to slay each one instantly with his scythe. (Sadly, game balance cannot permit a 100% success rate.)

Lv7 Scholar

Special Ability: Cryptozoologist
Look at all these fascinating creatures! On his turn, Fuyuki may Scan any new enemy at no cost -- displaying information about it and recording it in the Bestiary -- in addition to whatever normal action he wishes to take.

Lv34 Red Mage

Special Ability: Double Attack
Surely you didn't think all that combat experience was for nothing! When attacking, Zelgadis can make two melee attacks or cast two offensive spells in a row, on the same or different targets. This does not apply to defensive spells or other actions.

Lv13 Bard

Special Ability: Summoner
When she calls, people listen! (Usually because she's so loud.) Once per battle, Miyako can summon a powerful being to attack the enemies or assist the party.

(ooc), (ooc:miscellaneous)

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