O is for Officious

Aug 26, 2009 14:31

Title: O is for Officious
Author: ACarlGeek
e-mail: ACarlGeek@yahoo.com
Rating: All ages
Genre: Gen, Jacob Carter, Jacob Alphabet SoupCategory: Vignette, Drabble & a third ( Read more... )

alphabet soup

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Comments 8

sg_fignewton August 26 2009, 15:07:57 UTC
::grins:: There were definitely times I would've liked to thwap the Tok'ra upside their snaky little heads. I am vastly amused at the idea that Jacob probably did, too! :)


acarlgeek August 27 2009, 22:12:34 UTC
I'm certain Jacob gave Selmak a mental thwap upside the head for every mental pat ON the head Selmak gave Jacob. I suspect that's part of why they bonded so well...:-).

Thank you for the feedback.


samantilles August 26 2009, 16:04:38 UTC
Jacob and Selmak were probably in a very unique situation given that unlike the other planets they recieved hosts from, the Tau'ri were competitive in the fight against the Goa'uld. Most other civilizations probably deferred wholeheartedly to the Tok'ra that they would know what is right, not argue and think they could do it better themselves.

Great insight!! I hadn't thought about that, but I can only imagine that happening, and its hilarous!! and vocabularly lesson to top it off! all in less than a double drabble! Well done!


acarlgeek August 27 2009, 22:24:43 UTC
Thank you! I hadn't really thought that much about the Tok'Ra perspective and how different the Tauri would look/act compared to other human civilizations totally dominated by the Goa'uld (or abandoned by the Goa'uld). Good point.

Sorry about the vocabulary lesson. I'd looked through the dictionary for suitable O-words and decided 'officious' was absolutely perfect for the Tok'Ra. However, the line about remaining 'callous and obdurate' from the Tit-Willow song in the Mikado kept running through my head as I was zipping off the ficlet. It wouldn't stop until I'd worked the word 'obdurate' into the ficlet, too. :-P


chocolatekettle August 26 2009, 21:10:47 UTC
So very true. Nice :)


acarlgeek August 27 2009, 22:26:54 UTC
Thank you! :-)


feedback amberflyant August 27 2009, 09:59:21 UTC
Yes, Jacob must have felt very frustrated at times, at this was c;early one of them! Good work and showing us this sensation in so few words!


Re: feedback acarlgeek August 27 2009, 22:34:00 UTC
Thank you. I got the impression that Selmak had a little more of a wild streak than many of the other Tok'Ra, so I suspect that not ALL of the frustration with the other Tok'Ra was always entirely Jacob's, just most of the time, :-).


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