Fannish Sunday Linkspam

Jan 26, 2014 22:00

[The Americans] "Not an anti-hero," continued by
One trend in media commentary on the first season of The Americans was to lump Philip and Elizabeth Jennings in with the protagonists of various shows in the anti-hero mold, like Tony Soprano of The Sopranos or Walter White of Breaking Bad (Elizabeth especially gets a lot of “ooh, it’s a female anti-hero!” sort of buzz). It strikes me that this only works, though, if you insist on viewing the show through an exclusively American lens.

[Almost Human] Almost Human, and Writing the Future by Dan Wells
The problem, of course, is that Almost Human isn't trying to build a science-fictional world, they're trying to tell cop stories with a science fiction twist.
I agree with his critique. I love sci-fi but I am bored stiff by conventional buddy-cop shows. Almost Human is unwatchable for me. (And then there was that icky sexbot episode early on.)

[Banshee] I made a Banshee tumblr because I have fallen head over heels in love with the stupid show and need more content. *draws hearts around it* Come talk to me about Banshee!

[Podfic] Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IV
Happy almost-February! As we have for the past three years, we'll be collecting short lady-centric podfics by different readers in different fandoms to release as an anthology (and as a collection of individual files) on the final day of

[Podcast] New hiatus Slashreport episode
Slash Report - H105 Hetalia with Polarstern, Pyrrhiccomedy, Wizzard890 and Kixboxer

[Vids] Festivids is live!
Recs by

Porn Battle is on again. Time for prompts is already up. Mine are here if anyone feels inspired.

Latest Metanews edition

Safer sex and contraception in fanfic by
So I thought I would bring the discussion up to date by asking what my circle thinks of the topic.
My own feeling is that there are three main motives that are relevant to writers when it comes to depicting, or not depicting, safe sex and/or contraception:
1) Sending the right message to readers
2) Sexiness of the scene
3) Realism and/or accurate characterization

[Tumblr crosspost]

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-linkspam, links: fandom

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