Teen Wolf 3x02 - Chaos Rising

Jun 11, 2013 18:40

I am 95% thrilled with the episode.

Shantal! The looks she gave Stiles & Scott! So unimpressed. Stiles is still 16. Do we know his birth date?

I love how in this show teenagers, especially girls, are not being punished for having & wanting sex so I was not thrilled when Heather got the typical horror movie treatment. Side note: I was weirded out by how much the actress looked like Britt Robertson, Dylan's (ex?) girlfriend.

What is Derek's new loft? Is Derek trying to be Batman? Beacon Hills has skyscrapers? Is this Gotham City? What is going on?

Anyone else notice Isaac's hesitation before declaring he trusts Derek?

Nobody likes Peter, and is not afraid to say so. Peter gives no fucks. Hilarious Peter intro. Rare time I liked the musical choices of the show.

Allison & Derek: FINALLY! I love everything about their confrontation. I love Allison's ice-cold stare as if to say "one step closer and I will gut you, and if it's the last thing I'll do" and Derek is all "once an Argent, always an Argent". Their staring contest. Everything I wanted. Someone write me all the messed up, complicated Allison/Derek fic, please. I don't even need the shipping, all I want is a reluctant allies, frenemies, enemy-of-my-enemy sort of thing. The easiest plot would be for them to team up to save Scott.

And Lydia! Her life is so hard, nobody knows her science references. She so does not care about Derek's issues when she had psycho!Peter in her head.

I am so in love with S3 Derek. He has no patience for any of your juvenile bullshit and is all out of fucks to give. He is such a sarcastic ass this season, I love it.

I am also madly in love with Derek's & Stiles' dynamic. They crack me up so much. Stiles seems so much more at ease and comfortable around Derek and it shows. Derek is getting the whole Stiles experience now and is probably silently asking himself why he had to imprint on someone as his wolf-brother who came with a Stiles attached.

I like the new wolf-brothers dynamic between Scott & Derek. They actually talk instead of yelling at each other all the time. It's still not perfect but they both seem to have settled down and forged some sort of alliance.

But! Fucking hell, Scott, you did not think it relevant to tell Allison how her mother got bitten! Beacon Hills needs a bulletin board where people leave information for clued-in folk so everyone is up to speed on relevant information. Jesus fucking hell.

Victoria tried to kill Scott. Derek saved Scott and bit Victoria in the process. Victoria hated werewolves so much she'd rather die than become one. Cue suicide. There! Was that so hard?

In that vein, Chris, can we talk for a second about how you went along with your wife's suicide when you actually seemed to be in the hunter business for protection of humans and not for the hate crimes (see Kate, Gerard, Victoria). Did you honestly not see anything fucked up in suicide when you knew werewolves can lead completely normal, peaceful lives? You may not want your daughter dating a werewolf, but would you have killed her if she got turned?

Now I want fic where Allison got turned by Peter in S1 or by another random Alpha. I think Victoria would've killed her own daughter for the simple fact that she was a werewolf. And she would've probably thought she was doing Allison a favour.

Did Scott sense the Alpha twins? He seemed to zone out for a moment. We know Isaac told them about the Transformer twins so maybe Scott was just primed to notice a pair of unknown twins but I bet it was more than that. We did not see him react to Deucalion in the elevator but I read a theory that Deucalion actually did something to him, took a memory. I hope Jeff Davis learned from the disaster that was the conclusion of S2 not to pull stunts like that, but I wonder if we will learn later on that Deucalion took an important memory from Scott.

All I noticed in the condom scene in the class room was the look on Danny's face? I ship Danny & Stiles, what can I say.

The scene with the quarter was interesting. It felt significant (and not just when Scott mentioned risk&reward later on). Scott knew his werewolf abilities would assure him winning but he still chose not to play. He looked at the risks & rewards and decided to pass on the game altogether. This feels like foreshadowing. Like at some point during this season he will get a choice, and he will pick a completely different path.

I think I can tell the twins apart when they are together, Lydia's twin is slightly taller. You can see it when they are standing or walking together, their shoulders are not the same height.

I do not envy Daniel. The bathtub scenes must've been brutal. I think Deaton had fun, though. He smirked a little during it all, the bastard. I like the guy.

I do love proactive Allison so much. I just love Allison.

Erica. :( The corpse did not look like her, though. It's not her. Lalala can't hear you. Please make it so Boyd did not kill her. Please.

Is Morell's first name Maren? When did she get her hands dirty? How?

I read a theory that Morell is a double-agent because she warned Allison. I do not think that. All she did was keep the humans out of werewolf business, first with Stiles at the end of S2 and now with Allison. Lydia was an anomaly and I doubt Morell saw Peter coming either. I wonder if Morell, Deaton and The Girl aren't a mirror image of the Argents: there are humans who hunt werewolves and humans who assist/advice them. So Deaton was/is aligned with the Hale Alpha, while Morell is aligned with Deucalion. But why is Deaton focused on Scott and not Derek? What's so special about Scott?

But do the advisers all have to be black? Jeff Davis, look at Vampire Diaries, you do not want to go down that road. It leads to so much racist fuckery.

I did not see Cora Hale coming. I know Jeff Davis hinted at more alive Hales but I did not connect that to Cora. If she dies for the sake of Derek's story, Jeff Davis better never meet me in a dark alley.

New werewolf stuff we learned: a claw to the spine does not only transfer memories from the clawer to the clawee but also the other way around. Slowing down the heart rate of a werewolf to the point of almost death makes them fall into trance-like state. Depriving werewolves of the full moon for too long makes them aggressive and they will even turn on each other.

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