new Star Trek movie

May 09, 2013 20:34

Just came back from watching the new Star Trek in 3D. One word: fun. If you liked the first one, you will like this one, too. In the same vein, if you thought the first an abomination and eternal fuckery, the new one will piss you off just the same. As for me, I had fun. I got pretty space battles, explosions and satisfying character moments for all the core characters. The plot held together with the help of gum and deux ex machina, and I could've lived without the melodrama and heavy-handed morality tale, but overall I enjoyed it for what it was.

I do think however that Cumberbatch had to safe some scenes from the writers. I hate when the villain monologues about their evil deeds but woobification is worse. That was some sob story, complete with tears. A lesser actor would've actually made me roll my eyes and laugh. The politics behind Cumber-*cough* are utterly fucked, especially since a certain cameo ties the old and new timelines together, but from a pure acting standpoint Cumberbatch delivered. Kirk/Spock shippers have a treat in store. Spock/Uhura shippers will also be satisfied with the emotional moments the two got together, but I walked out of the film wanting OT3 fic. Spock and Uhura need to get Kirk in their bed, stat.

This was my first experience with 3D and I have to say it needs some more work before it will be satisfying for me. It's fun for space battles and action scenes but watching quiet scenes while half the objects on screen are out of focus is annoying rather than pulling me into the scene.

PS. One hilarious thing happened during the ads. Just when Dolby Surround announced that 'cinema is nothing without perfect sound' the audio track cut out. Much laughter ensued. So the first five minutes of the film we got the silent treatment until they started it up again properly.

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-review, fandom:star trek, topic:movies

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