holy non-sequitur, this post is rambly

Dec 08, 2012 15:01

Why is it that I cannot make the pinboard-to-dreamwidth script work again? I would love to post my pinboard recs directly to
acari_recs but it stopped working months ago and I could never get it to function again. I'm too lazy to transfer recs by hand all the time. Is there a pinboard-to-tumblr script? Or dreamwidth-to-tumblr script? Since so much fannish activity (especially in Teen Wolf) happens on Tumblr nowadays I was thinking of making a mirror for my recs over there. But again, doing all the coding by hand is tedious.

I do have a script that auto-posts my non-fannish diigo bookmarks to a locked LJ. I should try to configure that for DW instead.

Tomorrow Glitch will close its doors. It's a little ridiculous because it is just some online game but I will miss it. It was my first experience with a multi-player game and I loved every second of it. From what I gather it's quite spectacular to have players who actively police the global chat room to keep it friendly und unoppressive for everyone. I have personally witnessed players schooling others for shitty rapey comments, homophobia and misogyny. It was such a gleefully ridiculous place.

In happy making news, I have tickets for The Hobbit! And later today I will bake all the cookies.

This entry was crap but I'm trying to get back to posting regularly. It feels like my writing muscles have atrophied. Tell me what to post about!

I feel like I should write about my loathing for that Böhmermann dude from the Roche & Böhmermann show. Man, he is a personification of everything I hate. I went into that expecting to be annoyed by Charlotte Roche because I never cared for her in any way or shape. But she is actually not that bad because all my ire is directed at Böhmermann. I hate how he looks, I hate how he talks, I hate his attitute and I hate every single word that comes out of his mouth. He is nothing but a hipster pose. He is every hipster -ism, made flesh. He's never serious about anything and everything is ironic. I HATE HIM. Ugh. So that was that.

I don't think I can do conversations on Tumblr even though it is a great platform for easy scrolling through pretty pictures. But doing text over there still drives me nuts. I have configured my dash so my fannish experience in Teen Wolf is pretty great. I have people added who pre-filter graphics and meta for me so I do not have to witness much of the OMG STEREK IS SO CANON bullshit or the GIRLS ON THIS SHOW SUCK bullshit or the JEFF DAVIS IS A GIFT AND CANNOT DO WRONG bullshit or the STILES IS PERFECT AND CANNOT DO WRONG bullshit vs. STILE IS A SOCIOPATH bullshit or the SCOTT IS THE WORST vs IF YOU DO NOT LIKE SCOTT YOU ARE RACIST bullshit. I find extremist stuff like that exhausting and want none of it where I can see it. Call me wishy-washy but there are very few topics where I have such an amount of emotional investment that my way is the only way and everyone else is wrong wrong wrong. (Yes, I embrace how this sounds after ranting about that dude one paragraph earlier. :D)

Anyway, I have to go shopping now.

PS. If you find yourself randomly added by me, I probably saw you over at
kouredios DW friending post. Hi!

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topic:tv, topic:random, topic:tumblr, fandom:teen wolf

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