Linkspam - fandom edition

Feb 11, 2012 14:51

I have a DW question. Is there a way to renew my paid account other than credit card or cheque? I don't own either because I don't have any use for them in day-to-day life. I would like to give DW my money but I can't.

Anyway, links. I should really post these in smaller batches. Ah, well, next time.

Erster deutscher 3-Sentence-Ficathon. Ich hab vergessen, das früher zu posten, aber die Fics kann man ja immer noch lesen.

Interessant für uns deutsche Tumblr-Nutzer.Social Commerce & Recht - Warum Pinterest & Co kein direktes Problem mit dem Urheberrecht haben

Something for the Germans. I know some of you like this sort of this. A Winnetou/Old Shatterhand vid

The Meta Month of March is a month-long meta fest for all kinds of meta - general discussion about fandom, writing, vidding, etc. as well as fandom-specific meta. DW - LJ

Mini Meta Fest: Links round-up #2

verasteine: What is it like to be straight in fandom?

eumelia: On Being Queer in Fandom

thedeadparrot: Being in fandom in public

linaerys: I think that creating original characters and writing good fanfic require different skill sets, but sometimes they look the same, and so it's easy to get confused.

ivyblossom: New Fandom Tools: The Animated gif

cesare is pondering Charles' telepathy

siljamus: A (very) short introduction to the Danish political system part I

helens78: is wondering about virgin sacrifice!fic.

aethel: emotion in podfic: discuss?

tessisamess: Writing Fic for the 1930s

pslasher: Fandom - Meta and Academics (a rec list)

fan_flashworks: An all-fandoms multi-media flashworks community.

bomb_girls_meme: Bomb Girls Fic Meme (Anyone watching? Come talk to me about Bomb Girls! I love it so much.)

Multifandom: Tool: Cliché Generators by

Galentine's Day Ladyfest Prompt Meme

kinkspiration: round 5

fire-juggler: Podfic Recommendations Masterlist

grlnamedlucifer: Once Upon A Time recs

hradzka is looking for gen recs (check the comments).

runpunkrun: SGA Secret Santa 2011 recs, part 3

SGA Saturday Fandom Appreciation Challenge masterlist

seperis: multifandom vid recs

sarken explains how to get AO3 fics for a specific tag delivered to you via a nifty tool.

syredronning paid someone to fix a bug in ljArchive. It's working again.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. | Comments so far:
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topic:fandom, -linkspam

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