documentaries and such

Aug 05, 2011 15:42


ARD Mediathek: Das Hermes-Prinzip - Ein Milliardär und seine Götterboten vom WDR. Über die Ausbeutung von Hermes-Zustellern. Ich bin ja mal so gar nicht überrascht.

Heute abend um 20.15 auf Phoenix: Die wahre Macht des Vatikan. 2-teilige Doku über den Vatikan vom 2. Weltkrieg angefangen bis zu Johannes Paul II. Scheinbar kein Livestream, aber ich hoffe es landet in der Mediathek.


Manor House is a reality-docu of some sort. It is faszinating to watch from a psychological standpoint. I can provide download links if you have no other access.
21 people from the 21st century are being brought together in an Edwardian Country House. 6 of them are the Upstairs family and the 15 others are the servants. For three months, these people have only the rulebook and each other...

Hot Coffee is a doku about that infamous US lawsuit where a woman got burned by too hot coffee and sued McDonald's, and how this case has been used to dismantle the US legal system. You will not longer joke about hot coffee after you've watched this. I can provide download links if you have no other access.
The McDonald's coffee case has been routinely cited by the media as an example of how citizens have taken advantage of the legal system. We will show how this case became so popular in the media, who funded the effort and to what end.

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topic:tv, -linkspam, links: non-fandom

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