Ich bin ein Pfannkuchen!

Apr 13, 2010 19:19

< random post is random >

martyna mentioned Amerikaner in this post. Now, Amerikaner is the German word for American. But in this instance it's not. It's a pastry [photo]. I don't like them personally, though. (Way too sweet. Basically, they're a clogged artery with vanilla glazing.)

There's another weirdly named pastry. (I totally maintain my word usage is not what's being weird here. *cough*)

Berliner is probably a recognisable word for English-speakers because of Kennedy proclaiming "Ich bin ein Berliner.". In some parts of Germany a Berliner is not a citizen of Berlin, though, but this. Again, a pastry.

There's an urban legend that people started laughing at Kennedy when he said that, because he proclaimed himself a pastry. Problem is people in and around Berlin would never call it that. We call a Berliner Pfannkuchen (pancake). And what most people understand when they say Pfannkuchen (pancake), we call Eierkuchen (eggcake). Just try googling Pfannkuchen. ;)

Language is weird. Is there some food called a German in any language? And if there is, do I want to know?

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