links to make your head explode

Oct 07, 2009 12:51

Before I was even really awake,
thefourthvine asked the tough philosophical questions:

Let us say there is a Magical (or Alien, if you prefer, or Divine) Device that humans, acting as a group, can activate. If we do, average life expectancy becomes actual life expectancy. So, if we do this in the United States, every infant born is guaranteed to live to (roughly - please let's not get hung up on the statistics, here) 78. But in return, you're giving up any years you might have lived beyond 78. And if you're older than 78 now - or if you love someone who is - well, it's goodbye. [...]

And, okay, now let's say we can't do it just as a country. It has to be worldwide. So everyone's life expectancy becomes 65. Again, infant death becomes a thing of the past. Those people in Swaziland and Angola and Zambia and Lesotho - people whose life expectancy is, on average, at or below 40 years - suddenly get a whacking great additional chunk of life.

Would you do it?

And then
frogspace made my head hurt:

AWZ hat ein schwules Paar. Deniz und Roman. [...]

Auf das schwule Internet-Traumpaar springt eine amerikanische Firma namens Male Function an, die in ihnen ein perfektes Aushängeschild sieht. Deshalb müssen unsere Eislaufhelden den Fans genau das liefern, was sie wollen: Ihr Privatleben in Live-Streams, Blog-Einträgen, Videos, etc. Dumm nur, dass privat zwischen Deniz und Roman überhaupt nichts läuft. Beide schmachten und ANGSTen zwar dahin, aber Roman traut Deniz Gefühlen noch nicht und Deniz weiß nicht, wie er Roman davon überzeugen soll, es diesmal ernst zu meinen. ABER DAS IST EGAL! Denn, Zitat Serie: "Eine Marktforschung hat ergeben, dass 90% Ihrer Fans Sie gerne wieder zusammen sehen würden." Deshalb will Male Function: "The skating stars' love shall be showcased in a reality documentary to be filmed during training in the form of integrated video footage content, in addition to the existing blog which shall appear on the company's website." Your fans will love it. (6:08 - 10:56, English subtitles). Hätten sie doch nur das Kleingedruckte gelesen! Also müssen Deniz und Roman für die Fans einen auf glückliches Pärchen machen, WAS IHNEN UNGLAUBLICH SCHWER FÄLLT, weil sie sich ständig anfassen und vor laufender Kamera küssen müssen, während sie sich doch gerade selber einreden, dass sie NICHTS von einander wollen.

Translation: Basically, German soap, AWZ, has a gay ex-couple who are ice skaters. A new plot has them faking a relationship for their American sponsor because their fans want them together because they are so cute omg. There's a blog and a reality docu and they have to touch and kiss and be lovey-dovey on camera while secretly pining for each other and being afraid to show it. *holds head*

You have to see it to believe it: market research says your fans are slashers so make out already! (subtitled) - play gay and break into the American market! (subtitled) - choreographed smooches and mpreg jokes (subtitled).

I will not start watching another dumb German soap. I will not start watching another dumb German soap. I will not start watching another dumb German soap. I will not start watching another dumb German soap.I will not start watching another dumb German soap. Say it with me...

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-german, links, links: non-fandom, links: fandom

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