Various and sundry things worth reading:
Deutsche Städte, die nicht Berlin sind is making fun of German cities which are not Berlin. I laughed tears.
Dörfer, die Berlin sind is making fun of various parts of Berlin. Hilarious and oh so true.
Vor 13 Jahren: Massaker von Srebrenica.
Read especially the part about how a PR agency worked on linking the Serbs to the Nazis, and then try to remember the sort of language used in the public discourse during that time.
Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News Remember the anthrax scare in the wake of 9/11? Ever wondered how Irag became the official culprit? You might want to read this article.
Qatar, Playing All Sides, Is a Nonstop Mediator About Qatar's diplomatic tactic of not taking sides and ending up in the position of neutral negotiator. Very interesting read.
ibarw, International Blog Against Racism Week, started again. All posts can be found in their
delicious account. I kinda want to write something Germany (or Ireland)-related for it, I just don't know about what. Any ideas?
[german] Zitty, one of Berlin's city magazines, is asking their readers to chose their favourite
enemy concept (I can't come up with a better translation) in regards to Berlin. One category is "Kleines Monster" aka Little Monster. You could also call them "brats". And to illustrate this concept they use a little black girl because that - makes no sense at all except...
What's that you said about demonising black people? 0hmyheck stoney321, raised Mormon, tries to "shine a light on what I consider unhealthy religious/cultish practices". Faszinating, if often disturbing, read.
Hiroshima, Japan, August 6, 1945 by
coffeeandinkWhat's Hiroshima to do with neo-colonialism and race? Think about where those bombs are being tested.
Relativitätsliebe A father tries to tell his young sons that they are the best sons a father could have. A philosophical discussion ensues because, see, the father only has those two sons so he has nothing to compare them with. Father dispairs. He only wanted to tell his kids he loved them! Absolutely adorable.
Mugabes Wahnsinn Interesting read, though there are aspects about the language and focus of the piece that make me cringe (ie. white farmers, the portrayal of the West, etc). Will be available in English in the next
Le Monde Diplomatique.
Day of the CrocodileHaven't read yet. Written by
Peter Godwin, a white Zimbabwean journalist and author.
A friend of mine,
perverteerno1, is writing a paper on
language in fandom/fanfiction. She's looking for input from as many people as possible.
stilljewish for fannish Jews and allies. Very neat and interesting.
Photographing a Wedding and then an EarthquakeA photographer is taking pictures of a wedding in Sichuan, China when the earthquake hits.
Btw, non-fandom stuff I bookmark publicly can be found
here. It's a mix of English and German sources but it's all tagged in English.