Hai Thore hai.

Jun 26, 2008 19:05

I went trawling the net for unseen Verbotene Liebe pictures and stumbled upon a fanpage for Thore. And there I found a gallery of images from various visits to the set. Thore is such a dork and, oh my god, his shirts. With bonus Jo being a dork, too. And Andreas. *hearts them*

Oh god, my eyes. What is this?

Heh. Watch Jo pose.

The shirt is hideous right? Right. But it looks really soft. I mean, really really soft and almost threadbare and... *sits on hands*

What's with the two-finger action?

No, really, what's with it?

O hai, we are not drunk. See, two-finger action still a go.

I don't even want to know...

No, really, I dont.

Psst, I am incognito. You didn't see me, 'kay?

O hai gratuitous Thore arms hai.

Hai sleeveless-shirt Thore hai. I refuse to acknowledge the shades.


Puppy pile!

And a few more images I found through google.

*makes fun of Thore's hair forever* Did someone attack him with a pair of hedge shears?

Oh my god, what?

From the IFA 2007.
Click on the image. The original is ginormous.

fandom:verbotene liebe, -pictures

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