stuff and things

May 16, 2008 12:19

[bandom] I call bullshit. But I'm not invested enough to formulate why. Just, bullshit.
/possible pedophile, unreasonable person

Bye bye Moonlight. I will not miss you, though I am sorry for people who still enjoyed the show.

Ahahahaha! Hugh Dancy dancing will never not be funny. Hugh, I adore you, but please stop.

[wtf] You may hate me after looking at this but I must share the pain. Read this comment and if the content does not make you scream in horror, scroll up. NSFW.

I updated acari.recs with 111 recs.

Stargate Atlantis: 45
Stargate Atlantis Podfic: 35
Harry Potter: 13
Bandom: 11
Sarah Connor Chronicles: 7

Missing are all small fandoms (yuletide and stuff) and Lotrips. Am still afraid of the Lotrips section. One of these day I plan to add an art and vid sections. One day...

Does anyone know of a handy php script (or something else) to manage link lists? I could use wordpress, of course, but I don't feel the love. I am sick of hand coding everything, though.

[German] This is for mystisblom: Mehr Haie in der Ostsee als bisher bekannt. Hehe. I know who's never going near the water ever again!

[German] Reales Recht für virtuelle Welten?: Die Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung veranstaltet am 28.5.2008 mit wissenschaftlicher Unterstützung des Hans-Bredow-Instituts eine öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion rund um das Thema Regulierung in und von virtuellen Online-Welten: “Reales Recht für virtuelle Welten - Hindernis oder Voraussetzung für die Entfaltung des sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Potentials?” Interesting! And I will be in the area! Must ponder.

And now I must catch up on Verbotene Liebe!

fandom:bandom, people: hugh dancy, fandom:moonlight, links: non-fandom, links: fandom, recs

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