ew ew ew

May 14, 2008 19:50

So you know how prices of various basic foodstuffs have exploded worldwide? How people in Haiti, for example, have to resort to eating mudcakes to get enough nutrients because they simply cannot afford rice anymore? Even here in Ireland the price for flour went up insanely. And food prices in Ireland are already very high compared to other EU countries. After more than three years I am still boggling when I buy joghurt for almost twice as much money then what I was used to from Germany.

Well, guess what the Deutsche Bank is doing? They are printing ads for their Agriculture Euro Fonds on the paper bags bakeries use in Frankfurt/M. Here you can see a scan of the picture. [via attac]

The bold question at the top translates to: Are you happy about rising prices?

And how charming is the Fonds website:

Folgende Erfolgsfaktoren lassen eine Wertsteigerung der Agrarrohstoffe erwarten: - The following success factors let expect a value enhancement of agricultural commodities:

  • Signifikant steigende Bevölkerung - significant growth of population
  • Veränderung der Ernährungsgewohnheiten durch steigenden Lebensstandard in den Schwellenländern - diet changes due to rising standards of living in emerging nations
  • Erhöhte Nachfrage nach Agrarrohstoffen bei der Produktion von erneuerbaren Energien - increased demand for agric. commodities for the production of renewable energies
  • Historisch weltweit niedrige Lagerbestände an Agrarrohstoffen - historically low stock of agric. commodities worldwide

  • Wow, Deutsche Bank, I award the Cynic Bastard of the Month award. This is nasty.

    .politics:germany, !what the fuck, links: non-fandom

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