vid recs: supernatural, friday night lights

Dec 16, 2007 23:41

I have so many vids in the keeper folder on my harddrive that I never officially recced. Should I try to link dumb all of them (gazillian different fandoms)? Y/N?
What about podfics? Anyone interested in links to my favourite podfics? All SGA, though. Why are my other fandoms not in a podfic craze? Not on. I want more.

Ritual Habitual by popcornleader
[Sam, Sam/Jo, Sam/Madison - 24.3 MB - .wmv, youtube] SPN
I'm just going to repeat my feedback: Holy crap. I couldn't get my mouth to shut after this. I was just gaping at the screen, struck dumb. This is amazing work. You totally convinced me that Supernatural was about Sam Winchester the psychotic killer. Wow.

(mystisblom, watch this! You will love it.)

Personal canon by crazydiamondsue
[Sam/Dean - youtube] SPN
Sam and Dean seen through the lenses of Steel Magnolias, Gilmore Girls, Charlie's Angels, Queer as Folk, Firefly and Dawson's Creek. Yes, it is actually as hilarious as it sounds.

American Baby by sockkpuppett
[ensemble - 33 MB - .divx, imeem] FNL
This vid showcasts everything I love about Friday Night Lights' Season 1. The arrangement of clips is excellent, internal movement for the win. I am not tearing up when the Panthers win State, I am not I am not I am not. *tear*

recs: vids, recs: fnl, recs: spn, recs

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