Stuff I like. You will too. [fic, art, vid, random]

Nov 01, 2007 22:55

Stargate Atlantis

Speech by kassrachel
[John/Rodney - R - 2025 words]
Rodney has to stay silent. PWP. Very hot.

Vitruvian Man and Corners of the Mind by ladycat777
[John/Rodney - NC-17] bondage, dirty talk
Same scene, two versions. Fic 1 is from John's POV and pretty much shorted out my higher brain functions for a moment. Fic 2 is Rodney's POV and infinitely more complex: a character study disguised as PWP.

Concatenation by franticsga
[John/Rodney - Adult - 1600 words]
I have a thing about needy John and Rodney being tender with him, and this hits all my buttons. *happy*

sga_talk Like a book club, only better. Two stories a month, followed by group discussion. First assignment is here. \o/

Band of Brothers

glockgal drew Winters/Nixon. Winters especially is amazingly realistic.

Dark Angel

Big City Life by halcyon-shift
[Max - 27.6 MB - avi]
I suck at vid commentary. It's about Max: her life, her experiences, Manticore, the X5... *hands* It's really really pretty!


About Schroeder by jarrow272
[John/Chiana - 39 MB - xvid avi, Imeem]
Oh my god, you guys. This vid made me cry so hard. I kid you not. But the good kind, the so-beautiful-it-hurts kind. My heartache kink, this is its vid. This is the stuff that makes Ghani cry.


cupidsbow announces the Moving Words and Pictures Flashfic Challenge.
There have been several challenges now in which fanart or songvids were made in response to fic. Well, I thought it would be fun to swap it around and have a challenge in which we wrote the fic to go with our favourite songvid!


reedfem posted pictures of "natural porn": mother nature is such a bad girl (NSFW, though no people are involved)

No Rec, because woah!

J.K. Rowling sues over print version of HP Lexicon

recs: misc, recs: bob, recs: sga, recs: art, links, links: fandom, recs, recs: vids, links: non-fandom

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