my brain is pastede on yay! oh, and Everwood ficlit

Aug 12, 2004 17:15

I think my IM away message last night was a self-fullfilling prophecy because I suppose I did break AIM, after all. In any case, I couldn't log in after I had to reboot my computer. sorry for disappearing, Jem

And then before I went to bed early like the good girl I am, I touched the light switch and the light bulb died, as in kaboom.

Today I went grocery shopping and killed a water melon or five, as in oh look I think I'll take the one from the bottom of the fruit pyramid.

A couple of minutes ago a wacked something with a book before checking what kind of insect I just pissed off. Well, I thought it was a big, nasty fly, but then I looked closer and it was *drumroll* a bee. Lovely. Guess I was just waiting for the perfect moment to get stung.

But I'm writing porntastic ficlinskies! And I'm not denying the porn aspect for a change. Hehe.

[Everwood; Ephraim/Colin, R] for my Becca

It's nothing Colin would've done; the old one, the guy who wore his name, looked like him, if only on the outside. The old Colin wouldn't have allowed another guy to touch him, hold him down; especially not Ephraim, the new one, the odd one.

But the new Colin allows it, wants it even. He craves it with an intensity that scares him, except when Ephraim's tongue traces his spine, licking bump after bump of vertebrae, breath moist and warm on his skin, while Colin grunts and sinks his teeth into the pillow. And when Ephraim's hands settle at Colin's hips, fingers digging unyielding and bruising into his flesh, Ephraim's tongue gliding lower - lower - and slipping between his cheeks, Colin forgets that there ever existed anyone before him.

fic: everwood, !ghani mcdork, fic

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