randomness and Ingo Appelt hate

Jun 16, 2004 00:17

Going to post in German for a second because only Germans will understand. You, my dear non-Germans, be glad for you don't know the evil that is Ingo Appelt, so-called comedian. If you wanna learn some German swear words, now's the time.

Mein lieber Ingo Appelt,

was zum Teufel hab ich dir getan, daß du mich quälst? Ich hasse dich, du dämlicher, pseudo-witziger Arsch mit Ohren. Ich kann mich noch gut dran erinnern als du lustig warst, zu dumm, daß das 5 Jahre her ist. Ich kenne deine Witze und sie stehen mit bis hier.

Niemand findet es noch lustig, wenn du Kohl nachmachst, deine Grönemeyer Verarsche ist so ausgelutscht wie Dörrfisch. Und "schmutzige" Witzchen waren zuletzt in der Grundschule komisch.

Du bist ein schmieriger, ideenloser Möchtegern-Clown mit einem Grinsen, daß mir die Galle hochkommt. Und deine Gags sind jenseits von gut und böse. Hör auf Leute zu imitieren, du bist nicht witzig; aber danke, daß du diesmal nicht deinen Wabbelbauch gezeigt hast, ich hab gegessen.

Falls ich dir jemals begegne und du mir dein "ficken" Schild vor die Nase hälst, ramm ich es dir in den Hals, du beschissener Lackaffe.

Erschieß dich! Oder tu mir wenigstens den Gefallen und verschwinde von meinem Bildschirm.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ps. Würdest du bitte endlich zum Friseur gehen und dir den Schniepel aus dem Gesicht schneiden lassen.

Ja, ich hab mir grad "Die 100 nervigsten Popsongs" angetan. Schlag mich tot.

*takes deep breath* Okay, I'm better.

There's a discussion about criticism going on on the hellhole LOTR_RPS list. Until now nobody has thrown a fit. I am impressed, but it's still in the early stages. We'll see.
And it's Lotrips time over at fanfic_hate.
Who cares really. But I learned that I missed one monster of the mop!fic author. There is a God.
jennyo made a post about the "Cult of Nice" prevalent in LJ fandom, and why it sucks. Agree very much. Read it.

And then I've stumbled across various entries about the DC Batman comics, and I read them all. I have saved fics to read later. Bruce/Jason seems very, very interesting. This sudden interest surprised the hell out of me because I never read comics. Not the type that you all got your hands on anyway.
East German kids like me read "Mosaik"; the adventures of the Digedags, and the Abrafaxe. I own copies from the 1970s, and more things that you of the capitalistic, imperialist enemy never got to know. Screw the Big Mouse, we had Frösie and Atze. Take that! *smug*
I stopped reading Mosaik when they started to print it on shiny paper in the early 1990s and there appeared dinosaurs suddenly. It all went downhill from there. But maybe I was just too old by then. Hmm, I went from Mosaik straight to Bravo sex tips, no wonder the way my brain works is kinda odd sometimes.
And then there is the way 'die Wende' (is there an English word for that period of time?) screwed with my music taste. Post-GDR me liked New Kids on the Block, Rod Stewart, and Roxette. <---- *points* See, obvious case of she-didn't-know-what-she-was-doing.

Recs (misc) because I'm slowly making progress in reading through the back-log of fics on my harddrive

Each man Does Not Die by likethesun
Band of Brothers. slash
Watching From the Sidelines by storydivagirl
Joan of Arcadia. gen
A Unicorn Lived In a Lilac Wood by cynical_terror
Lotrips. LotR. (kind of odd)
psychosomatic by cereal
Lotrips: Slash.
Comrades in Arms by azewewish
Troy. slash
The Whirlwind by dredpiratejenny
Troy. slash

the whole middle part of the entry wasn't planned. it just happened. I blame Ingo Appelt.

PS. I just learned that the German soccer team got their asses kicked. Huzzah!! No, I do not care a bit about the worldcup. Not my type of sport. Handball however. Um, I hear mystisblom groan already so I better not even start. I don't cheer for Germany just because I happen to be German. What sort of logic is that? But will the hooligans tear down Portugal, sort of like Godzilla did with Tokio? That could interest me. Netherlands vs. Germany is always good for a solid, bloody street fight. Or so I've heard.

-german, recs: misc, recs: bob, recs: lotrips, .football, recs:troy, links: fandom, recs, recs: lotr, -rant, people:ingo appelt, fandom:4l, -meta

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