What you shoudl know about your man

Jun 29, 2005 00:54

Here are some things that me and Katlyn think that you should know about your lover, your man,your best friend,...... your boyfriend!!!!

~Favorite color
~Kinda car they drive
~Middle name
~Last name
~Things that make them horny
~Favorite football team
~Sports they play
~Favorite sport
~Best food
~Brother sisters?/names?
~Color of eyes
~Parents' names
~Where they live
~Favorite music
~What to do/ not to do around his parents?
~Where do they shop?
~Cologne he wears
~What makes him happy/laugh
~What he likes to watch (hopefully not porn)
~What he does in his spare time?
~Over-used word
~Most embarissing moment
~Good kisser?
~Past relationships
~Clean room
~What they want to be
~Favorite movies
~Their grades
~Boxers/Whity tites
~Do they like to flirt?
~Who he hangs out with
~Turn offs
~Class schedule
~Family problems?
~Their age
~Are they a good driver?
~Do they drink
~Do they like to PARTY?
~Pick their nose and eat ???? haha j/k
~More than one house?
~Do they carry your picture in their wallet?
~Sexiest color on them
~Hat wear
~Favorite pair of shoes/boxers
~Color of boxers
~Sunglasses or necklaces?
~Do they have contacts or glasses
~Does he knoe what turns you on?
~What he likes when sleeping
~Is he a neat freak?
~Best classes

Do YOU really KNOW your MAN????? If you dont kno all these answers ..you should find out! lol reply with answers it will be fun...if you think of anymore..TELL
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