Apr 04, 2005 18:07
"the boy was hit fast and
the boy was hit hard
love love sugar
sweet nice and tasty
punkergirl ass kicker
wanted her
and he wanted her now
flip of a coin
and she had him in her clutches
but did she know this
of the lip pireced god?
The End"
It could have been anyway, the comments hadnt hit her at the time. The "nice pants callover, and the " if only this safety pin werent in my lip" comments. Good thing she went back for the second night. Yeah baby, it hit her.
"Arcade madness
Fly fly fly
The lights that got her high
Were bright,
And beutifull dissorienting
That night she wasnt thinking
Just wanting
That eminem arcade boy..."
That night she went upstairs she felt as thoguh she never came down. That terrified bliss that over took her as his tongue ringed kiss went down her neck.
And then he called,
She told him, the first person she ever told was him. 1-5 am phone calls kept her awake until dawn. Daylight was safe and the nightmares for a moment ceased. Two weeks later the phone calls stoped but apparently not the nightmares.
"Nightmares coninue
Entrancing intencity
A lonely soul
Pulling through."
~She was laying on a bed. It was summer and her mom at work and the man she lived with drunk. She had her door closed and her music down. She turned the music down. then she heard a loud crash and a loud yelp of "fuck!" quiety she repeated the word to herself.He was pissed now... Everything went dark and she had pressure on her stomach a voice laughing, criticing her body~
Then she wakes up.
"baker action
baker action
baker action,,,"
More later ♥s