(no subject)

Sep 23, 2010 00:42

another thing: as much as I love the arts and social sciences, I wish I didn't hate the sciences so much. or at least, I wish I didn't have such an instinctive aversion towards them. I wish I understood it better, in technical terms and general grasping of concepts. I definitely tended towards the social sciences from a young age, but I don't think I started out disliking the sciences-- I suspect it evolved along the way, sometime during secondary school when they kept streamlining us, and eventually got cemented during one of purvis' lectures.

some of it was because of the education system, but at least half of it was definitely because of younger!me. I was always horrible at grasping the big picture and adored zooming in on small, distinctly delineated conceptual areas (I was seriously freaking lazy intellectually), so I very eagerly latched onto the idea of specialisation and chose the social sciences because I was was interested in them and better at them. and then, once I had chosen the social sciences, I proceeded to reject and vilify the sciences as being soulless because-- well. I don't know, really. I had a very black-and-white world view then. it was a very immature thing to do and I wish I hadn't done that.

anyway this has all been prompted by me spending the night online reading stuff on cracked.com (of all things), and wikipedia, and there's quite a lot of things I find extremely interesting from a poetically beautiful point of view and wish I knew more about. sigh.

an inexhaustive list: the big bang theory, many worlds, nebulae and galaxies and space, genes and evolution and stuff like this, the wonders of the human anatomy/physical biology, some neuroscience...augh seriously.
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