so yesterday was my birthday and THANK YOU everyone who remembered/wished me/gave me things hehe :D :D you all really made my day! it isn't often one gets to be special like that haha. okay I know I sound superficial but REALLY it was very happy-making. :D
so in more or less chronological order,
thank you nyx (silver daggers!) aditi (first!) weixian (I hope math went okay! thank you for staying up!) jenny els diane (yay archer) teddy (haha your sms made me laugh) kal carmen (shirt + shiny silver things :D) tanneh kezzy (who slept FAR TOO LATE) sumaeee (IT SMELLS SO NICE) nat lim min peck xueyang (I'll read it this weekend, it's so pretty and wow you remembered :P) cher and the 13a people who sang me the birthday song (thanks sumae :D). sally alice ada shawna kimmm ellen and all you facebook people like sunchao and zeslene from my psl class longgg ago haha. and rachel ang emm sruthi wingyee and ken, mich wan, nandita, clarissa, shanin, sien and hanxin. and wally. :) that's a lottt of people :) I hope I didn't I miss out anyone?
after-school was kind of boring though cos everyone went off/home to mug so I just hung around in the raffles rooms with the people who were also staying back after school ie teddy jenny cher and took an hour or so to overcome the inertia, then went home and slept and went out for dinner with my family at night :) :) :) so yeah the afternoon was kind of sian but TODAY totally made up for it! haha.
- I stay back after school to work on my personal statement and study things in the library, and Els comes up with this clue...and they lead me on this three-stage hunt around the school haha. Only it took me forever to figure out where I was supposed to go next!! But seriously I would not have made the connection that ICE = polar bear place without their extensive clues. QQ! (I am picking this up from Carmen.) but haha very fun very fun. mainly cos I've never done (or got this kind of thing done to me) before XD and in the end they were in the raffles room with cheesecake :D THANK YOU THANK YOU. also I completely did not suspect anything cos aditi zaoed after school, carmen and nyx went off to j8 and I was just placidly eating lunch with els haha. so yay WELL DONE AND THANK YOU YOU FOUR. :D plus there was a lot of funny things and laughter and aiyah I dunno la but it was a very enjoyable time :D
- G12 at night; I got really nice brownie cake and another one of those cool Christian design shirts from the J8 stall which made me LAUGH because it was modeled off the trademark HEROES title art and eclipse thing haha. I must show people the shirt :D and of course the prayers were really meaningful. and nice. :D yay I love my G12 :D missed dee and ada, though! :(
then they were telling me all their plans to get me to go down unsuspectingly, and the thing is when I heard them I knew they would totally have worked because I would just have believed whatever excuse or reason they fed me haha. such is my gullibility ;) which brings to mind how martin tried to prank me in the morning by trying to get ms ng to tell me I was the only person in humans who failed sea history- only it failed because she didn't want to haha. in retrospect it would've been a really funny prank except I would have been utterly taken in:
Aditi: NO LA Char wouldn't have believed it! Char would you have believed it?
Martin & Char: YES.