Jan 27, 2006 18:32
...he was expressing the hatred of excellence that arises spontaneously in an egalitarian when his plans are disturbed.
It's a quote from one of the articles on the humanities mailing list and :X is all I can say.
Most of my class played (squeeze) Murderer and Polar Bear today, and I have to say it was THE MOST FUN THING that's happened in an eon. Fun as in mindblowing. Also kind of scaryhell freaky actually, but entertaining all the same. MAN. MAN MAN MAN MAN MAAAAAAN.
It was also very gratifying to guess the first two polar bears completely out of the blue but correctly especially since they weren't doing anything out of the ordinary which also means I should sometimes learn to trust my instincts more haha. I spotted Rayner wrongly, but that might have been due to the fact that I knew it was someone in that region (either Rayner or William) and Martin was totally blocking my view of William so I forgot about him. -_-
I switched to KI and H1 Math! I switched to KI and H1 Math! I went for KI yesterday and was completely bowled over smitten mindblown won over. :D
Also Nyx your instincts are astounding I will listen to them from now on.
☢ samson,
☢ black king