Aug 08, 2011 00:25
→ either this is one year too early or I am doing things in advance, but: lately I've been reading up on singapore things. books and blogposts I've heard of before and probably really should have read by now, but never got around to. I'm not really sure why either, but I do know that sometime during the general elections I realised how little I knew factually about the country's history and constitution. so I guess I'm remedying that a little, now.
I'm not really embarrassed to say that I've thoroughly enjoyed the singapore story so far lol. DEFINITELY giggled (and gawked a little) my way through his recollection of his cambridge years.
also-- there seems to be a slight spike in singaporean pride lately in my facebook social circle, from what I can tell. granted, it's only that I've spotted two 'click attending if you're proud to be singaporean (insert impassioned speeches here' events on facebook, but I haven't really encountered them before in my four years on it. the pleasant sort too, non-xenophobic as far as I can tell. I do like that sort of decent patriotism (that doesn't descend into jingoistic, overly nationalist slime.)
→ extremely dismayed, reading of the riots in north london, even though I have no emotional connection to the neighbourhood. :|