Sep 13, 2007 19:15
Alright, so it has began. It is officially senior year,
and lately I have been getting down in the dumps for
no reason, I just don't like a lot of my school day, but
it will get better. It always does.
I am doing a biotech internship at NH Tech. College, and it
is really interesting. I am going to be apart of a project
where we grow genetically-altered cells that makes a protein
found in the hypothalamus of sea lampreys (those creepy eel
like things with the round jaw and a bunch of teeth) and
then the cells grow the protein and we are going to be
extracting the protein and shipping it to the biochemistry
department at UNH. Apparently the protein is 30x more
effective against breast cancer in lab tests than conventional
drugs today, so it is pretty awesome.
That is going to be about 10-12 hours after school each week
till december, then I'm going to be having Drama club soon,
then auditions for Fame at the bell center in November.
Plus just school is hell, so I'm going to be pretty busy...
Oh yeah, and I have work. I won't be able to hang out a lot,
so I'm sorry everyone.
I got some goals to set for this year, I already started slacking
off, and it is not making my happiness factor any better, it makes
me feel like shit. So I'm going to really start buckling down
and I need to write a few goals.
1. Homework is a #1 priority when I get home.
2. Try not to drink/smoke as hard as I might be tempted if I have prior
work or obligations (even though I still do that really well).
3. Try not to get home late after hanging out with friends and be too
tired to do homework.
Ohkay, I hope everyone has a good school year.
For all the people I haven't really talked to since freshmen year,
comment on here, or lets chat online. State Sunshine is my current
AIM sn, so hit me up there. I miss a lot of people I used to hang
out with. Like I remember Riley's Tropical Party in the middle of winter.
That was seriously so much fun haha.
I'm sorry to everyone if I've been bitchy or anything lately, I'm
just stressed and I am going to make an effort to be nicer. I just
think some kindness/generosity is in need of return from some people.
Alright, have a good night everyone.