Feb 03, 2011 07:34
Seems like forever since I posted. Oh well.
As to current things and stuff, not a whole lot. I wound up only taking two classes this semester due to being too late to sign up. Probably a good thing though, I feel as though I just barely have time for these (and one's even online). I honestly don't know how anyone could work full time and be taking 4-5 classes at the same time.
That aside, the classes are Statics and an intro course (Matlab, ugh). So far statics is going great. The matlab course is online and there really hasn't been much besides homework involved.
In non-school-related life, I got the room reserved for AC. A single since we don't currently have plans to share. They sold out one entire hotel and all the doubles in another within about an hour. I already have the money for my ticket set aside, Dark's will probably be set aside from his tax refund (which I'm still waiting for my W2 to do mine).
Anyways, back to work I suppose.