{The island goes black without warning. Thunder rumbles from the north, preceded by a chilly wind. Howls and screams echo from the jungle. The barrier has been lifted.
They are coming.
The island is starving. It has tasted blood for the first time in so very long, and it is hungry for more. Driven by the darkness buried deep in the island's core, the beasts respond to Willow's command and descend upon the island resort like a biblical plague.
There's no stopping this wave of evil.
The Black Annis has emerged for the children, the Buggane, Leucrota, Drop Bears, Mandrakes, and a new menace, Wendigo, have all answered the island's hungry command. There are many, far too many to conceive. And they are all dangerous hunters.
The communicators are working very well; over their frequencies Willow's girlish voice crackles, but is overlain with a deep hollow evil:}
Hello, everyone. It seems my sister has been oh so busy collecting her "heroes", but now it's my turn to play.
{Her giggle is sweet, but chilling.}
Oh, it's been so long since I've been able to play, too. And my pets are starving. You will play nicely with them, won't you? Oh! I almost forgot! None of the locks will work. I've taken care of that for you. Besides, it's not fair for my pets!
{She pauses, but speaks again after a heartbeat or two.}
...of course, I suppose I could...well, maybe...oh, dear. Well, let's see. I suppose if I had to, I could ask for volunteers to come, if no one really wanted to play. ...but that's no fun, either!
{Then comes the stamp of a tiny foot.}
Well, I'm sure it'll all work out. Have fun, Acairnia. We're so hungry down here...
{Willow's voice trails off on an evil hiss and fades away.}
Notes: Yes, so the island's a tad hungry and Willow's sent her pets to come play. The communication devices are working loud and clear, so that's a blessing. However, the memory loss from the candy is still in full swing, so take that into effect. But, should your character get injured - and we mean seriously injured - their memory will return full force. Otherwise, their memories will remain a mystery for a good while.
Also, no locks are functional on the island. Willow has seen to that. So, don't expect safety to exist behind a closed door. These monsters are starving and they have no problems shoving down doors, through walls if they're able, or coming through windows to get you. And we named quite a few up there, so be sure to check the
Bestiary to be familiar with the types of baddies attacking.
Willow has offered a catch, though. She's willing - although not very happily - to call off the entire "playdate" if the current residents offer up a meal for her kids. ...and we don't mean a cheeseburger with extra large fries and a soda. Someone will have to die to make it all go away. And think carefully before anyone leaps up and volunteers. We're not talking a soft playful easy death. Being eaten and dismembered and chewed to oblivion probably isn't on the top of anyone's ways to go.
As usual, questions and the like welcome. Have fun, kids!