[ OPEN || IN PROGRESS ] mhm, it's your life

Nov 09, 2009 23:17

Who: furball_deity || prophet_above || no1_assassin
When: After FREE, FULLY UNWRAPPED CANDY was generously offered here~.
Where: Gamma; Cabin A. Or, rather, the front doorstep.
Rating: PG, probably. Unless Travis jumps in and runs his mouth. xD
Summary: There's candy. It's free. Ammy is all over that -- but so is Travis.

Lifting her head from her hiding place, the wolf took a surveying whiff of the air...
It was difficult to focus on picking up the scents of any strangers when that which she had so fervently sought had been laid out plainly in front of her a mere handful of yards away. The mysterious confectionery masterpiece skillfully disguised as something as plain as the bark of a tree or, when melted, something even more unpalatable.

But Amaterasu was gifted with a fine nose and the secret of the mysterious brown candy would soon be hers. A mixture of exotic spices and ingredients that a creature of feudal Japan would have never even dreamed of. And it was sitting right... over there.

The white sun deity, perhaps imagining herself to be inconspicuous, crept closer, ears cocked forward, eyes locked on her prize. Wolves were not particularly stealthy creatures by nature; They were pack hunters. Ambushing prey was not any specialty of hers, but for quarry like this? It paid to be extra careful.

amaterasu, in progress, travis touchdown, open, magus

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