
Sep 22, 2008 19:08

Stolen from Caitlyn.

10 things you wish you could say to ten different people right now.

1. Count on me more.
2. Fuck you
3. Talk to me.
4. You may call yourself a bitch, but you're an awesome bitch.
5. I can't decide. Just stay here. Don't make me choose.
7. I don't like you in that way. Can't we just be friends?
8. I don't think it's possible for you to be honest with everyone.
9. Fuck you, too.
10. Let's be friends again.
09 things about yourself

1. I love talking.
2. I love anime
3. I have a shy side that sometimes decides to rear its annoying head.
4. I am cheap. (but am known to drop a lot of money at anime conventions)
5. I'm scared of growing up.
6. I cry easily in movies or books if I really like the characters.
7. I love making new friends and hanging out with old ones.
8. I am Canadian and proud of it.
9. Music is my world.

08 ways to win your heart

1. Make me laugh
2. Talk with me for hours and never run out of things to say
3. Food
4. Don't be afraid to touch (as in hugs and cuddles)
5. Courage.
6. Open minded, willing to consider a different perspective.
7. Food
8. "I love you"

07 things that cross your mind a lot

1. Anime
2. Lyrics/Music
3. The deep stuff
4. Day dreams
5. Life
6. The future
7. Random thoughts

06 things you do before you fall asleep

1. Shower
2. Brush teeth
3. Set alarm
4. say goodbye to people on MSN
5. Turn off Computer
6. Change
7. Think

05 people who mean a lot (in no particular order)

1. My family
2. My friends
3. My dog
4. Myself
5. My favourite authors (if they die, then what will I read?)

04 things you're wearing right now

1. Pj pants
2. T-shirt
3. Sweatshirt
4. Underwear

03 songs that you listen to often

1. Super Junior - Don't Don
2. Hedley - I Don't Believe It
3. SM Town - Let's Go On a Vacation!

02 things you want to do before you die

1. Be successful
2. Go to Japan

01 confession

I don't care somtimes as much as I should


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