Meme Stolen From Apple

Aug 17, 2008 10:31

1. Name: Pauline
2. Birthday: October 27
3. Birthplace: Markham Stoville Hospital
4. Current Location: On my ass in my chair in my house in Whitby, Ontario
5. Eye Color: Green/Hazel
6. Height: Ah... About 5"4
7. Right or Left Handed: Right
8. The Shoes You Wore Today: White running shoes with red and orange design
9. Your most Overused Phrase: Eh?
10. Thoughts First Waking Up: Eating time?
11. Your Best Physical Feature: What? Ahm... ME, lol.
12. Your Bedtime: 10pm on average
13. Your Most Missed Memory: Huge sleepover at Michelle's house, all sitting in her living room on the couches and our sleeping bags, talking and happy and friends and nothing else mattered.
14. Your Fears: Dying, being alone, losing those close to me
15. Your Weakness: Bossiness, quick temper. Food. LOL.
16. Perfect Pizza: With a creamy sauce and lots of cheese and MEAT.
21. MacDonald or Burger King: Neither.
22. Single or Group Dates: Group
23. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea all the way!
24. Chocolate or Vanilla: VANILLA.
25. Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
26. Do you Smoke: No.
27. Do you Swear: Fucking yeah.
28. Do you Sing: Of course
29 Do you Shower Daily: Yes
30. Have you Been in Love: No
31. Going to College?: No. Uni for me.
32. Going to get Married: Yes
33. Believe in yourself: Yes
34. Get Motion Sickness: Only if I start reading in the car
35. Think you are Attractive: Ah, you tell me.
36. Are you a Health Freak: Minor
37. Get along with your Parents: Yes
38. Like Thunderstorms: Sometimes. Depends if I think it's going to kill me or not.
39. Play an Instrument: Piano. Also a bit of clarinet and flute.
40. Have you drank Alcohol: Yes. All last week. All DAY every DAY
41. Smoked: No. Didn't you ask this already?
42. Been on Drugs: The medical kind.
43. Gone on a Date: No. How sad is that?
44. Gone to a Mall: It would be sad if I hadn't.
45. Eaten a box of Oreos: Shared it with my bro.
46. Eaten Sushi: Hell yeah.
47. Been on Stage: Yes
48. Been Dumped: You have to have a boyfriend to be dumped.
49. Went Skinny Dipping: YES. Total freedom.
50. Stolen Anything: Yes. From Bulk Barn. And a random pink balloon when I was five. And mom made me take it back too.
51. Ever been Drunk: Yes
52. Ever been called a Tease: Not that I know of.
53. Ever been Beaten up: No
54. Ever Shoplifted: No
55. How do you want to Die: In my sleep of old age.
56. You want to become a: successful, happy person who has kept all of her best friends close even through the years and her family by her side.
57. Country you want to visit: China

In a Boy/Girl..
58. Favorite Eye Color: Don't really care, but to answer: blue or green.
59. Favorite Hair Color: Also don't really care but dark is nice.
60. Short or Long Hair: Not too long on a boy.
61. Height: Either the same as me or taller. Hopefully taller.
62. Weight: Not fat.

65. Best Clothing Style: Asian
66. Number of CDs I own: 10
67. Number of Piercing: 8
68. Number of tattoos: None
69. Number of things I Regret: Countless

Stolen memes ftw.

meme, from apple

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