A Meme because I'm that sad

Jul 21, 2008 10:27

All About Me
- Name: Pauline
- Single or taken: Single
- Sex: Female
- Birthday: October 27
- Sign: Scorpio
- Hair color: Dark brown
- Eye color: Hazel/Green
- Height: 5"4
- Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight

Fashion Stuff
- Favorite place to shop for clothes?: Nothing in particular - I see something and get it. Boathouse, maybe?
- Favorite designer?: Punkyfish
- What is your sexiest outfit?: My birthday suit
- What is your most comfortable outfit: PJs
- What do you usually wear?: Jeans, t-shirt, skirt, tanktop, etc

- What kind of shampoo do you use?: Right now? Tresame
- What are you listening to right now?: The computer
- Who is the last person that called you?: Dunno. Didn't get to the phone on time.
- How many buddies are online right now?: 11

- Food: ALL. (except licorice)
- Girls' names: Alice
- Boys' names: Luke, Diago, Dante, Kai, Dave, Logan
- Subjects in school: Biology (is that sad?)
- Animals: Dogs, horses

Have You Ever...
- Given anyone a bath?: My dog?
- Smoked?: Nope, that kills you.
- Bungee jumped?: OH. That would be fun... but, no.
- Made yourself throw up?: GAH. I hate throwing up. So: NO.
- Ever been in love?: Nope
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: No
- Actually seen your crush naked?: No
- Cried when someone died?: Well, that's a stupid question. Yes.
- Lied: Uh. DUH. I am human.
- Fallen for your best friend?: Nope
- Rejected someone?: Yes
- Used someone?: Probably
- Done something you regret?: Yes.

- Clothes: Grey sweat pants, black tank top
- Desktop picture: Aoi from Gazette (only the hottest person ever)
- CD in player: Super Junior #2 Don't Don
- DVD in player: FullMetal Panic Fumoffu

Last Person
- You touched: My mom
- Hugged: Dad
- You IMed: DaisyChain people
- Talk to online: Caitlyn
- Sex it up with: YOU

Are You...
- Understanding: Sometimes
- Hungry: Not right now
- Open-minded: Yes
- Arrogant: A bit
- Insecure?: Maybe
- Random?: Sometimes. It keeps things interesting
- Smart: Yes
- Organized: YES
- Shy: At times
- Difficult: Hell yes
- Bored easily: A bit

Who Do You Want To...
- Kill: Seriously? If I could? I don't know...
- Slap: Cassie Dalton, Sam Barber, Jamie, Mrs. Pucknell, Morgaine
- Get really wasted with: Caitlyn, Juli, Ally, Martin, Chris, Dave, Pat
- Get high with: No thanks
- Talk to offline: Anyone, really. I don't care
- Talk to online: Anyone~
- Make love to: Really? You really want to get into this? Could I have anyone? If I can have anyone the list will be very long. Super Junior takes up 13 spots right there.

- In the morning: Walk dog
- Love is: The thing money can't buy
- I dream about: Stuff in dreams
- Sexual preference: Hot sexy male with a toned body and a hilarious humor
- What do you notice first in the opposite sex?: Face

Which Is Better?
- Coke or Pepsi: Oh.. Hard choice.... I'll haveta go with Coke
- Flowers or candy: Candy
- Tall or short: Tall

- Makes you laugh the most: Gah. I don't know! My friends
- Makes you smile: My dog LOL he'stoocuteokay?
- Gives you a funny feeling when you look at them?: A funny feeling or a funny look? No one really gives me a funny feeling

Do You Ever...
- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: No. That's boring
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: NO. I like having tits, kthanks
- Wish you were younger: No. I wish I could stay this age. Or maybe a couple years older. Yeah... 19 so I can drink.
Cry because someone said something to you?: Yeah

- Of times I have had my heart broken: None
- Of guys I've kissed: 3
- Of girls I've kissed: 1 (EW. Don't EVER kiss Michelle. EVER. If I had it in me to become a lesbian, it was crushed RIGHT THEN)
- Of CD's I own: 10
- Of scars on my body: 2

meme, ahah, i spelt boredom wrong on the lj cut

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