Edit: "Masked" is out

Aug 02, 2010 21:49

A lot of things in rl happened lately: A-Levels, writing applications for universities, guy issues, holidays in north-Italy...at the moment renovating my old room

so now... what do we learn from the Databook?

Besides that Kensei had his birthday 3 days ago (happy belated) and him being 8 kg heavier than Shuuhei... (K:"That's all muscle";M:"Guhh, Kensei you fatty")

apparently he's smaller than Shuu...I wonder if Kubo added Shuu's spikes or if there's a printing mistake or something (wouldn't be the first time in a data book). I think this knowledge could boost a dorkShuu's confidence ...even if it's just 2cm


something else:
the outlines are from around the time you guys did the letter challenge
since I didn't take a pencil in my hand for anything besides some quick doodles since March (kinda an "Artists block") I'm practicing my pc colouring. In this one I simply tried to get to know my brushes a lil better (the other (later) ones I did aren't finished, 'cause I lost interest after my pc said "bye-bye" and my work was finito)

pikeish updated ths on Bleachness here :

A: Yes. To draw or not to draw. Some foreshadowing lines and such, will for sure be tied together one day. That is, closer to "coming around (the idea)", and "remembering it" than "think of it". In the beginning, I myself do not know the reason but "this is best for this", "there's nothing but this", those thoughts run my head and decide on drawing that for the character. If I do that, while drawing the following story, I'll definitely come across that scene thinking "was this thing I drew from that time for this?". That is similar to the feeling of "remembering something about a person you knew from the start" or "discovering a new side/angle of a person you just met". That's why in the TBTP arc, for example, Hisagi's "69", which is that of Muguruma 9th squad. (Muguruma's spelled with a 6-> muttsu's MU)

Q: You don't normally put "69" right?

A: Right. At first, my intention was that to make it a questionable number (laugh). It has a meaning but I thought to make it a word a kid won't ask his/her parents about, so I made it "69" (laugh). His first appearance, when Jidanbou came out, Hisagi and Izuru were behind (the wall), during that time there were no depictions that they were vice captains. After that, at the time the vice captains came together, it's the first time it became clear (laugh). If it's only from that, you won't know he's a vice captain but he was. Then, they are 3rd squad's and 9th squad's vice captains. Then, the 3rd squad's and 9th squad's captains were Aizen's subordinates. That's why the 3rd squad and the 9th squad were headed that way.


A: That's how it is connected.

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