Joint Horoscope dari Friendster..

Apr 09, 2005 15:14

You and Ronald have smooth sailing ahead.

Sure, one of you has a tendency to be a little flaky, but something about the combo now is rock-solid. Perhaps you know each other well enough to recognize and accept each other's shortcomings; one of you is always late, for instance, so the other brings the newspaper and relaxes while waiting. Maybe your talents are complementing each other perfectly; one of you is working the social angle while the other does the organizing. Whatever the case may be, the results you can get now are gorgeously concrete.

Ini apa friendsternya yang emang berkembang terlalu cepet ato gue yang emang lemot aje ga ngerti tiba2 ada ginian di friendster? ampun deh.. tapi.. kata2 di atas.. hmm.. bener banget gituh.. tau dari mana ya? kok dia bisa tau begitu..
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