Sorry, but it had to be said

Feb 24, 2010 17:20

I have been a longtime lurker in this community, and I have watched time and time again posters get reamed for not being "cool" or "clever" enough, along with posters who clearly think they are the cleverest people in the world poke fun at their students for not living up to their higher than thou expectations. The saddest thing about all of this is that all of the people who comment seem to love this sort of thing, and just jump right in. Take the last post with the guy making fun of his honors students. Seriously guy, if you hate students that much, then quit teaching.

My real point in posting this here today, however, was to give you all a reality check. I have gone to some of the best schools in the country, and not a single one of my Profs nor my graduate TAs have a livejournal. In fact, I have never heard of any Prof having a livejournal. On this basis, I have come to the conclusion that a livejournal is something only second rate scholars who are pissed off at their second-rate status in academia do. (And this makes sense given how much so many of you badmouth highly ranked Universities.) So go you! And you're welcome. Everybody needs a little dose of reality every once in a while, wouldn't you say? If nothing else, you can use this post as a segue into your back-patting orgy clique for the evening.

group hug, complaining

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