In departments, do professors sleep with each other/is there constant animosity over who gets tenure and who doesn't/or any other types of drama? Just curious if what I "heard" is actually true in terms of what kind of environment it is. ~Karrie
I hadn't thought there to be any special connection between alcohol and academic Philosophy. At least not any more so than most disciplines. But is that the common perception?
Art school/MFA programs are like that too, or maybe just the one I went to - there was so much bedswapping between faculty and fellow students, I'm surprised the class motto wasn't "I've got crabs".
By the by, I did not do the swapping, I was too busy failing out, apparently. Should have slept with someone though, maybe that would have increased my grades. I even drank coffee!
Try Slavic departments. I'm pretty sure we all have flasks of vodka in our desk drawers.
(Well... at least the grad students do. Either that's a common thing or we have spent too much time in Eastern Europe morphing into high-functioning alcoholics.)
Theatre depts and sex is like philosophy depts and alcohol....or so I've heard.
By the by, I did not do the swapping, I was too busy failing out, apparently. Should have slept with someone though, maybe that would have increased my grades. I even drank coffee!
(Well... at least the grad students do. Either that's a common thing or we have spent too much time in Eastern Europe morphing into high-functioning alcoholics.)
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