Calling all sociologists!

Nov 25, 2008 14:37

(Mods, feel free to delete this if it violates any rules, but I thought this would be a great place to recruit writers)

I'm involved in starting up a new sociology blog, and we are looking to recruit some writers.

What is the blog about?

We envision this blog to be about life as a sociologist, and that it will include posts on topics such as:

*The intersection of our research/studies with our personal experiences
*Interesting results we are finding in our current research
*Current events (interpreted in a sociological manner)
*The practical details of being a sociologist; getting through grad school, post-docs, applying to jobs, life as a new assistant professor, sociologists outside of academia, etc.
*Anything else sociology-related that you can think of!

What kind of writers are we looking for?

We are looking for sociologists of all kinds. We especially welcome writers in the early stages of their careers; Grad students (new and old), postdocs, people on the job market, new assistant professors, recent graduates of any kind, etc. We also welcome sociologists who are more advanced in their careers.

How do I sign up?

Please visit our blog: for more info on how to become involved.


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