When Will It End?

Jul 30, 2008 01:08

I am an American D.Phil candidate (literature) attending a university in the UK. I am on target to finish my dissertation this year. As such, I would, I suppose, be classified as ABD (though my doctoral programme, along with most in the UK if I am not mistaken, don't have coursework). I  will be looking at positions in the United States and understand that colleges/universities may hire individuals who are ABD provided they will no longer be ABD by the time their new post commences. My question is what that exactly means. Thinking it through, does it mean the candidate must:

(A) have completed his/her viva
(B) have completed his/her viva and submitted any corrections (if requested by committee)
(C) have done both (A) and (B) AND walked in a graduation ceremony

I am asking because, as I sort out my timetable for the next year, I am wanting to figure out a viable time to put myself out there on the market. It seems that the graduation ceremony is more of a formality and a letter from one's university or supervisor would suffice, but perhaps I am mistaken.

*****clarification to original post*****
just to clarify my post a bit (though it may not do much good):
My university holds a graduation ceremony in July and December. My ideal scenario would be to be eligible for teaching positions next Fall. Giving myself three months to put together a committee of internal and external examiners, defending the thesis, making any (hopefully minor) requested changes, submitting it to the academic senate for approval, and then having it bound, means that I would have to submit the dissertation by the end of Feb 09 in order to take part in the July 09 ceremony. That is fairly tight.

I would be more comfortable with submitting sometime in March or April. Given exam timetables, I would most likely NOT be able to gather a committee until the end of June. That would mean that I would not be able to meet the deadlines for things like the academic senate and thesis binding that would allow me to take part in the July 09 ceremony and would have to take part in the one taking place in Dec 09.  I see no reason why, given a defense in June, I would not be able to complete any necessary corrections by July or August so I'm wondering if that scenario would suffice for potential employers.

Convoluted, I know . . . so thank you if you've waded through this post . . .

Any wisdom from The Community would be appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance . . .

job market, dissertations-and-theses

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