EndNote and Pocket PC and Mac. . . .

Aug 04, 2007 01:12

I'm currenlty running EndNote 9 for Windows, and it doesn't want to talk to my Pocket PC, though it does want to talk to Palm based PDAs.

Does anyone have a workaround for that?  Ideally, I'd like to be able to enter call numbers for books that I want to fetch at the library, and then sort by call number as I run around and retrieve them, referencing my PDA as I go.


Second, is anyone running EndNote for Mac?  I'm thinking about moving to a Mac, but EndNote is my first love, so I can't go without hir.

Ditto SPSS and NVivo, neither of which I've actually used a lot, but I will be - how are they on the Mac vs. PC versions?

Third, I know some universities offer institutional licensing for various softtware packages and doohickeys - has anyone using a Mac run into issues that I should be alerted to before I make the switch?

I mean, it does not seem fair that my institution, say, offers EndNote for PC but not for Mac, or SPSS for PC but not Mac.  (These are just illustrative examples, I have no idea what my new university actually offers.)

Relatedly, what do the sociologists say?  Are we a mostly PC based or Mac based discipline, and if you're on the minority side of the divide, how do you feel about it?

software-and-technology, recommendations

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