Tenure-track position at UW Madison Geography in biogeography/global change

Aug 03, 2007 13:36

University of Wisconsin-Madison. Assistant Professor of Geography,
tenure-track position in the biogeographic aspects of global change.
Preference will be given to broadly trained applicants whose research
and teaching interests complement existing departmental strengths in
Physical Geography and People-Environment studies. Possible research
areas include, but are not limited to, historical and current human
impacts on ecosystems, ecological responses and risks related to global
environmental change, and processes governing biological diversity,
especially human activities. Duties include teaching undergraduate and
graduate courses, and developing a strong program of research and
publication. Nine-month, academic year position starting August 25,
2008. For more information on Geography at UW-Madison, see
http://www.geography.wisc.edu/. To apply for this position, send a
letter describing research and teaching interests, a CV, and three
letters of reference to the address below.

Apply: Joseph A. Mason, Recruitment Committee Chair, Department of
Geography, 160 Science Hall, 550 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706-1491.
All application materials must be
received by November 1, 2007

environmental studies, sciences, geography, biology

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