Jul 01, 2005 19:33
13 hours of work in one day, starting at a law office, working a late shift with ben and shelly, sharing a chocolate carmel with ben, hanging pictures with andrea, biltmore hookup (will and parker), credit card machines not working, selling the most expensive charm, hearing 'gone to carolina in my mind' in carolina and on the radio, working with ben in candy and hearing his plans to save the world, talking for a long time to bobby, making plans with K, telephone tag, 2 days off in the next 14, breakfast with lena at the waffle house, gifts from europe and amish country, shortbread like in london, seeing ashley at the library, having the librarian know me by name from high school and remembering after being away at college for a year, MC driver's license, coach carter, law and order marathon
when you smile i soar
when i get home from work you better have dinner made and on the table, if not i will be angry...well ok i'll be hungry but happy that i am spending the rest of my life with you