Mar 04, 2008 21:49
So last month I decided that since my 6 month trial service will soon be up (3/17) I'd better start applying for jobs with more $$$, now that my foot is in the door w/ DHS. I applied for a few positions and an ongoing list and much to my surprise I started getting lots of requests for interviews. Anyway, tomorrow I am interviewing in OC, I know I know...we just moved from OC but for $500 a month the commute might be worth it (especially since I put it on paper and finally saw that in 6 months I've made $4500 less than where I'd been before...ack)...and it would be good experience. It's case management, so it would be good for me to know if this is what I want to do...I'm not holding my breath, but it would be nice... I do have 3 other interviews lined up in the near future, but the nice thing about this is that Jordan could finish high school at OC with his old friends and I'd be able to keep an eye on him while doing if you could spare some good thoughts around 2:30 that would be great! Oh and the best thing is that my new little Russian friend from work is interviewing for a different position in the same office, I would be in heaven if we were able to move up together!